Lesson Learned on Full Tilt Poker

So I’m scrolling through the 5/10 free chips on Full Tilt Poker and see a red highlighted line so of course I’m intrigued. The red line means it’s a pro playing. Looks like a lot of railbirds cuz the chat is packed and the waiting list is maxed at 255.

So I just sit back and watch the chat and gonna study how the Pro plays poker.

I notice that every time he’s on the button, he raises. Even after the flop he'd push if everybody checked to him. And I saw most times everybody folded. One time there was a reraise and the pro folded.

I’m fairly new to poker so I never really knew what “position” meant. Well of course I kinda knew what it meant but after seeing this pro work it I REALLY understood it.

So I’m out and about had a DR. Appt and decided to go to the local card room after I was finished cuz its been just internet play solid 8 hrs a day last 30 days and my eyes are buggin real good. I sit down with $20 and DON’T post, and just watch the players till the blinds come. Boy nice to have tells and I picked up on a lot very fast.

I notice this one player always plays every ace no matter what the kicker is. So bout 2 hours go by and can you believe it I haven’t lost a hand yet?!

I played the pros methed with raising on the button about 2 times with good cards and had one show down and won, but this last time listen to this;

On the button with K 10 clubs family pot of limpers. I raise and lose about half of players. Flop comes A 8 9 rainbow one club.

Everybody checks, so I bet.

1 caller, the guy playing A rag all the time. I’m thinking Shit I’m way behind.

Turn comes, I cant remember what it is but no help to me, he checks, I look at him as I bet, figure only way to win is to bet at it. Haven’t lost yet so I’m ready for a loss here. He reluctantly calls. Kinda figity like he don’t know what to do.

So I’m convinced now he‘s holding weak ace.

River comes and again I only remember that it wasn’t a K and no flush no straight.

Again he checks. I’m sure I had to show a sign cuz my heart is pumping big time as this time I announce “bet” and push chips in the pot. Figured I pushed all this way my last chance at winning this pot.

He says “FOLD” can you frickin believe it! I take a big breath cuz I haven’t taken one in bout 2 min and say “good cuz I totally missed” as I show him my cards. He was furious! He had a weak ace just as I thought. He went on tilt after that and lost the rest his chips.

I took down bout a $50 pot that I should have lost! I soon left after that cuz I had to get going but left a hundo up in bout 2 hrs playing $2/$4 hold’em. Without losing to a showdown.

2 things here:

A rags. It’s a tough decision, why would you even play it, especially out of position.

I actually learned something watching a pro on Full Tilt! My game improved that much more!

True story.